Installment purchase

Alior 0% installments (RRSO 0%)

For your convenience, we have provided 0% installments as a payment method for your order, offered by Alior (implemented by Przelewy24). Thanks to this, you do not have to pay for the order once, which is very important, especially when purchasing more expensive electronic equipment.
This does not involve any additional costs, you will pay for your purchases exactly as much as the price of the products in the store.
Thanks to 0% Installments, you can repay the amount due for your order completely free of charge in 10 or 20 equal installments.

How to use 0% Installments:
  1. After adding products to the cart and proceeding to checkout, select Przelewy24 as the payment method:
  2. Then click "Raty" i płatności odroczone (ENG: “Installments and deferred payments”):
  3. Then go to “Raty Alior” ("Alior Installments"):
  4. Choose the amount of installments:
  5. A convenient calculator will estimate the amount of a single installment and allow you to choose the most optimal variant:
  6. In the next step, fill in your personal data, send the loan application and wait for its verification by the bank.
    It takes only a few minutes. You will receive a credit decision in just a moment.
  7. If the credit decision is positive, the store receives the payment and the order is processed. Your order will be shipped to you shortly! 


Pekao 0% installments (RRSO 0%)

For your convenience, we have provided 0% installments as a payment method for your order, offered by Pekao SA (implemented by Tpay). Thanks to this, you do not have to pay for the order once, which is very important, especially when purchasing more expensive electronic equipment.

This does not involve any additional costs, you will pay for your purchases exactly as much as the price of the products in the store.

Thanks to 0% installments, you can repay the amount due for the order completely free of charge, divided into a convenient number of installments (ranging from 3 to 10 installments).

How to use 0% Installments:
  1. After adding products to the cart and proceeding to checkout, select Tpay as the payment method:
  2. Then click "Raty" (ENG: “Installments”): 
  3. Later, by choosing Bank Pekao, you can choose the number of installments in the range of 3 to 10. A convenient calculator will estimate the amount of a single installment. Then click “Przejdź do banku” (ENG: "Go to bank").
  4. You will be redirected to the Pekao bank website, where you can select the repayment date for the monthly installment.
  5. Finally, all you need to do is enter the necessary personal data and send the loan application. It will then be verified by the bank. It takes only a few minutes. You will receive a credit decision in just a moment.
  6. If the credit decision is positive, the store receives the payment and the order is processed. Your order will be shipped to you shortly!


imoje - 0% installments (RRSO 0%)

For your convenience, we have provided 0% installments as a payment method for your order, offered by InBank (implemented by imoje). Thanks to this, you do not have to pay for the order once, which is very important, especially when purchasing more expensive electronic equipment.

This does not involve any additional costs, you will pay for your purchases exactly as much as the price of the products in the store.

Thanks to 0% installments, you can repay the amount due for the order completely free of charge, divided into a convenient number of installments (ranging from 3 to 10 installments).

The installments offered by imoje are unique compared to other providers, because only 9 pieces of data need to be provided to verify your creditworthiness, while applications from other entities are on average 3 times longer.

The application consists of only the necessary elements:

  1. Name,
  2. Last name,
  3. PESEL,
  4. Document number (ID card),
  5. Date of issue and validity of the document,
  6. Address,
  7. Number of dependents,
  8. Average monthly income,
  9. Source of income 
How to use 0% Installments:
  1. After adding products to the cart and proceeding to checkout, select imoje as the payment method: 
  2. Then click "imoje raty" (ENG: “imoje installments”): 
  3. You can choose the number of installments in the range of 3 to 10. A convenient calculator will estimate the amount of a single installment. ATTENTION! Below the calculator, the option on the left should stay selected (RRSO 0.00%). 

  4. In the panel on the right, all you need to do is accept the regulations - and then click “Przejdź do formularza ratalnego” (ENG: “Go to installment form") 
  5. In this section you can edit the installment repayment terms - selecting a convenient payment date. Then, click “Zatwierdź” (ENG: "Confirm") and move on. 
  6. Finally, all you need to do is enter the necessary personal data and send the loan application. It will then be verified by the bank. It takes only a few minutes. You will receive a credit decision in just a moment.
  7. If the credit decision is positive, the store receives the payment and the order is processed. Your order will be shipped to you shortly!